HKEX Stock Code: 00605
Financial Reports
Circulars / Listing Documents
Notices of General Meetings
Proxy Forms / Reply Slips
Corporate Governance
Circulars / Listing Documents
Date Content
10/01/2013 Circular (Major Transaction Disposal of Interests in a Subsidiary)
25/04/2012 Circular (Proposed Amendments to the Articles of Association and Proposed Granting of General Mandates to Repurchase Shares and to Issue New Shares and Proposed Re-Election of Retiring Directors and Notice of Annual General Meeting)
22/06/2011 Circular (Proposed refreshment of General Mandate to Allot and Issue Shares;and Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting)
29/04/2011 Circular ((1) Major and Connected Transaction; (2) Whitewash Waiver; (3) Proposed Change of Company Name; and (4) Notices of Extraordinary General Meetings)
12/04/2011 Circular (Proposed Granting of General Mandate to Issue New Shares and Proposed Re-Election of Retiring Directors and Notice of Annual General Meeting)
13/05/2010 Circular (Very Substantial Disposal and Connected Transaction and Notice of EGM)
23/04/2010 Circular (Proposed Granting of General Mandates to Repurchase Shares and to Issue New Shares and Proposed Re-election of Retiring Directors and Notice of Annual General Meeting)
27/04/2009 Circular (Proposed Granting of General Mandates to Repurchase Shares and to Issue New Shares and Proposed Re-election of Retiring Directors)
29/07/2008 Circular (Trademarks Transfer Agreement which Constitutes Discloseable Transaction and Connected Transaction)
10/06/2008 Circular (Discloseable and Connected Transaction: Acquisition of Real Property)
28/04/2008 Circular (Proposed Granting of General Mandates to Repurchase Shares and to Issue New Shares and Proposed Refreshment of the Scheme Mandate Limit of the Existing Share Option Scheme and Proposed Re-election of Retiring Directors)
28/12/2007 Circular (Very Substantial Acquisition Agreement Relating to the Conditional Sale and Purchase of the Entire Issued Share Capital in Bestjoy International Limited and Increase in Authorized Share Capital)
23/10/2007 Circular (Proposed Grant of Share Options to Substantial Shareholders; Re-election of Director; And Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting)
09/08/2007 Circular (Connected Transaction; And Proposed Refreshment Of General Mandate)
30/04/2007 Circular (Proposed granting of general mandates to repurchase shares and to issue new shares and proposed re-election of retiring directors)
11/08/2006 Circular (Major transaction in respect of the acquisition of the remaining 49% equity interest in K.P.I. (BVI) Retail Management Company Limited by way of issue of convertible note)
28/04/2006 Circular (Major Transaction: Loan Agreement)
28/04/2006 Circular (Proposed amendments to the articles of association and proposed granting of general mandates to repurchase shares and to issue new shares and proposed re-election of retiring directors)
28/04/2005 Circular (Proposed granting of general mandates to repurchase shares and to issue new shares and proposed refreshment of the limit of the existing share option scheme and proposed re-election of retiring directors)

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